How time flies...
It's been awhile since I posted and you know what they say....NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS.
This is right on the money...
In 11 months, I've made HUGE progress...
My mom was a little off on my weight on my last post, because I "now" weigh 16 pounds...
In the past few weeks, I have started to really "like" when my parents hold me upright on their shoulder and I'm doing pretty good too...This is exciting for them because I am really working hard on my head control. When I get tired, I just throw myself backwards (my back muscles are very strong) as hard as I can and this way they KNOW I am "done" with this position.
I still cannot sit without some help, BUT....I can now "roll" from side to side and I kick my arms and legs like crazy when I get excited.
I am still "batting" things around that are right above me and I LOVE TO BRING THINGS TO MY MOUTH AND CHEW ON THEM. YEA!!!
I am still being tube fed for the most part, and I really don't like "liquid" in the bottle.
BUT....if they put SWEET POTATOES in there, I try even harder to eat the bottle. (They have to cut the hole in the nipple bigger so I can get to the food, but this works for me sometimes.)
I do pretty good just eating off the spoon too. I've adapted in my own "Benjamin" way to my high palate....I will take a bite and then put my LEFT finger in my mouth and "suck" my food down. I use my finger to help me get the food "down" the hatch.
My brother, sister and I went "on the road" with my mom for her new business venture ( and BOY OH BOY, was a sight to see with all my equipment. I have a lot of stuff that comes with me and it was an "adventure" for us to "make-shift" all my medical supplies. My mom just kept saying how "crazy" she was to try and do all this, BUT...she did it and we all survived just fine.
However, I ended catching ANOTHER cold, and so I am trying really hard to get over it. I'm coughing pretty good and I just don't feel like my happy self right now, but I'm working hard to get over it.
My family has come to realize that I catch things REALLY easily and I am not really good at "travel" right now, so THANK GOODNESS my Nana could visit us and help out since my mom has been so busy. ***Her project is actually a "family" project for sure!!**
The decision was finally made and I now have a very "hip" helmet.
I don't like it, but my head wasn't getting any better, so my parents figured they had better try to help straighten it out.
I look pretty cool if I do say so myself!!
I sleep all the way through the night and my parents LOVE IT!!!
One of the medical professionals who work with me came by to visit. She showed my parents a paper from when I was 4 months old. My parents read back through the paper and were re-reminded about the HUGE HUGE HUGE progress I have made over these months.
My "daily" progress may be in "preemie" steps, but my "overall" progress is really LEAPS AND BOUNDS.
We remain so grateful for all the love and support that we continue to get from all of you...
We love you!!!