Today is Thursday...
I am excited because I got a Pak & Play and now this means that I can have the best of both worlds..
MY BOPPY and a bed on wheels so I can be with the rest of the family...
This was a great purchase!!
My mommy was able to go to a luncheon with her special friends from Leadership Dixie. She was glad to see them.
My Nana is so nice to me. She stayed with me and held me.
She wishes I could get comfortable, but I just have a hard time...noone can really pinpoint "why" I am so cranky..I just act like I don't feel very good most of the time...
My mommy just keeps hoping I will grow out of this..and because I'm a pretty tough kiddo, I will..I just need time...
Later this afternoon, my mommy noticed that my clothes were wet around my g-tube. So, she cleaned my tube area up, retaped it and changed my clothes.
About 40 minutes later, she noticed that my new pair of clothes was wet in the same place and when she opened my snap jammies, she saw that the tape (she just put on) was soaked and so was the front of my diaper.
YUCK...stomach content is leaking out..
My mommy needed to get this off of my skin right away because this stomach content can eat my skin if it's left on there..
She wasn't sure "what" is going on...because, a small amount of leakage is normal, but this is more than my mommy had seen before..
She cleaned me up and changed out my clothes again.
This time, she called the doctor's office and was told she had 2 choices...1) Come into the night clinic and be seen OR..2) Stop feeding me until tomorrow and then come see my own doctor.
My mommy was a little surprised that they suggested to stop feeding me because I am on a continuous feeding schedule..(so, this was not an option.)
My mommy pulled out her "book" that she received at the bigger hospital, and started to read about what may be the problem..
At this point, my clothes were again wet and all the "new" tape was coming loose because of the stomach content leaking out..
So, my mommy asked my Nana to help her by holding the tube in place very sturdy and hard while she withdrew the water out of the balloon to see "how" much water was in there...sure enough, it was on the small side and needed more water..
Sometimes "IF" the balloon has leaked water out, then the hole isn't getting plugged very well, and stomach content can leak out..this is what happened to me...
This was very stressful for my mommy because she had only "practiced" this procedure on an do this on a real, live, moving target (me) is a little different for sure..
Her and my Nana worked up a "stress sweat."
We got it taken care of and I slept the whole time...
My mommy taped me all back up and the "stuff" is staying "inside" my stomach now..this is where it belongs..
What a great learning experience for my mommy and Nana and I am the perfect person to "practice
My brother and sister have the next 4 days off of school for Easter break and I am happy that we can spend time together.
I am so lucky...
I am so blessed...
My life is a good life...
Wow, way to go mommy!