I'm Three

I'm Three

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Happy Independence Day Friends!!

How wonderful it is to be alive and living in such a beautiful country...

I am 7 months old...

WOW!!  How time does fly...

AND..it was my "first" outing with my whole family..(I have been to the doctor and hospital several times before, but my parents don't count that because I am "covered" in my car seat and we are "in" and "out" as fast as we can...)

My mommy was very nervous, but I did great!!

We went to my Uncle and Auntie's home for a BBQ, cake for her birthday and of course..fireworks..

Let's just say that I am not a fan of fireworks...but is any baby really a "fan" of fireworks?  I don't think so...

So, I spent the evening "inside" with my mommy, Auntie, brother and cousin..just "good ole' fashioned - - - visiting."

I slept REALLY well last night and I slept a TON today too...I think my "outing" wore me out..

My mommy had a little bit of a scare tonight..

I was laying on my back on the floor and all of a sudden I started to "Squirm" around I was obviously struggling to breathe...no air was coming "in" or "out" of me and I was moving all around...

Thank goodness my mommy was sitting right there and she grabbed me up so fast and turned me on my side...

I started to gasp for air and cry..

It appeared that I was having a hard time "managing" my saliva and this is what made me struggle..

It was pretty scary for my mommy...sure made her heart race, but...as always,    I am A-OKAY!

She thinks that maybe I'm in the beginning stages of "teething" and I have "extra" saliva that I am not used to..

The binky helps me manage this saliva and suck it down so it doesn't "pool" around in my mouth and throat..

Thank goodness for the binky...

Thank you for all of your support..you guys are super good to my family and to me and I appreciate you!!

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