I'm Three

I'm Three

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today has been kind of a strange day...
I had the best day yesterday and the best night too.  I was really calm and happy WITHOUT any pain or sedation medication.  The Occupational Therapist came to work with me and she thinks that some of my behavior is "neurologically" related, but she isn't sure (for example, my body posture being archy..my eyes always looking "up" and a few others.)  - - - But my mommy just thinks I am tired of this bed and I am trying to "arch" my way OUT of it.
Around 11:30, before they increased my food, I started to cry AND cry AND cry.  I literally cried and cried for over four hours.  I would go to sleep for a brief few minutes and then I would "startle" and wake myself up crying frantically again.
I am NOT resting peacefully, as I am doing a strange "twitch" which wakes me up and then I cry more.
They are not sure "what" is going on..
Ativan withdrawals?
Surgery discomfort?
They have decided to stop my food so they can get an accurate PH reading in from the contents out of my g-tube.
Well, the PH came in at 2 and YES, I am back on Prevacid again and they've restarted my food. 
(my mommy asked for Prevacid when they started food but was told I shouldn't need now with all my surgeries.)
Tonight is bath night and hopefully this will help me go to sleep "soundly."  I need it and so does my mommy.
PS.  I weigh 7 pounds and 3 ounces.  YEA!!

Sticking to the faith of wellness!!

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