I'm Three

I'm Three

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today is my BIG, HUGE day!!

My daddy is taking a shuttle from to come and get me from the hospital.

My mommy called and the Nurse told her that I had LOST 70 grams so they were "concerned" about letting me go home.

My mommy told them that they WERE planning to take me home TODAY and we would work with my Pediatrician to help me gain weight.

So...my daddy arrived and we packed up all my stuff (boy was it A LOT) and we headed out.

It was such a surreal experience for my mommy and daddy..they kind of couldn't believe it as they walked OUT OF THE HOSPITAL WITH ME.

Daddy rode in the back seat of the car with me...tubes AND all while mommy drove the car.  He said it was "his" turn to help me since mommy had been with me all this time.

I didn't like my car seat too much and had to stop a few times, but we finally made it home and boy were my brother, sister and Nana HAPPY to see me!!

They took me right in my room and held me tubes AND all.  Even my doggie Sammy was happy to see me - even though he didn't know "who" I was.

I was a little afraid and didn't know what was going on...it was a little overwhelming for me, but it was a relief for my family, to FINALLY bring me home after 112 DAYS of being in the hospital.

My family is feeling pretty thankful tonight..so am I (I won't be assessed or poked for the FIRST time in my life.)

Good night friends!!

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