They increased my food just a little bit and so far, so good.
I am refluxing a little and it hurts, but I am keeping it down.
My CRP (number that detects inflammation) is up again slightly, to a 4 and I am already on 3 major antibiotics, so again...they are scratching their heads.
The new Doctor on duty is a pretty good and conservative Doctor, so he thinks I may just have a "high" baseline and he wants to "wait" and see what I do because I really don't "act" sick.
They did order another blood draw from my picc line to check another culture, but it will take a few days to see "if" anything grows.
I got my RSV synagis shot today, so I am good for another month.
I had some special visitors today - my Uncle, my Aunt and my mommy's special friend from home.
She was glad to see "familiar" faces.
So grateful for all the people keeping the faith for my wellness!!
Wow, what an amazing giveaway!! Thanks so much.