Today is Thursday and I am feeling pretty crummy.
I am on quite a bit of oxygen too.
I just can't seem to get "good" rest. It is loud here and every time I get to sleep, I get woken up by "nose" or by "reflux" or by someone "assessing" me.
My voice is totally gone and I am breathing really hard and fast...retracting A LOT. My airway is pretty swollen from all the reflux burn.
My mommy is having a hard's hard to watch me AND she is with "strangers" in a "new" place with all new rules and procedures.
During "rounds" they stated that they had spoken with the surgeon's "office" (as he hasn't been able to reach the "actual" surgeon that came and spoke to my mommy on the first day I was here) and they "DO" want to do another upper GI test. This is the "same" test that I had done before at the other hospital. They also said that they wanted to pull "out" the roplogle tube that was "helping" me with my reflux.
My mommy doesn't hide her feelings very well, and they could tell that she was VERY upset.
She brought out all the stops on this one..she tried to do it as nicely as she could, but they knew she had "HAD" it. She asked them if they thought the other Doctors were not competent? Why did they have to do this same test over again. If they would just sit and "watch" me for an hour, they would "see" what everyone is saying is true. PLUS...she did NOT want that replogle tube pulled out as this was the ONLY thing that was keeping me from "aspirating" my own stomach acids. She asked the doctor "how many times" I had to throw-up out my nose and mouth before he would see that the replogle tube WAS needed?
She said that "if" the surgeon's "office" wanted another upper GI test, she wanted them to come up to my room..pull UP my previous test AND "show" her "what" they were looking for on the previous test that they did not see. It was NOT good enough for her to just put me through ANOTHER test that I have already have.
She was not happy AT ALL.
The "social" worker came by to "check" on her afterwards. I guess word travels fast when a mommy is as unhappy as mine was.
Within a few hours, the surgeon stopped by and said he would operate on me "tomorrow morning."
My mommy just cried..she felt such relief for me. of my doctors from the other hospital made a special visit "into" the hospital to "check" on me. My mommy was SO HAPPY to see him too.
It was a day filled with A LOT of emotion, but it was all worth it.
My daddy is driving up to see me tonight to be with us for surgery tomorrow.
Good night!! It will be a better day tomorrow, I just know it!!
Thank you for providing such a valuable information and thanks for sharing this matter.