I'm Three

I'm Three

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Monday, March 21, 2011


It's Christmas Eve..

My family "made" a Christmas Tree for me and taped it to the wall.  (I think it "helped" them to "do" something fun for me.)

I had a pretty good day - in relation to the past few days.  

My lungs are still infected and it can be heard when I breathe..kind of sounds "croupy." 

They have put me back on a "continuous feed" cycle and this seems to be helping with my reflux.

The picc line that was "in" my right leg was taken out because they "suspected" phlebitis, but they still had to give me antibiotics, so they put another IV into me.

Pokes, pokes, pokes...I've had so many pokes..

My mommy and daddy came to visit me tonight and there was a basket that "someone" had left them.  It was a nice present with items for me AND for them too.

This person had a baby in the NICU during the Holiday's too and knew how hard it was to leave a baby at Christmas and go home to "try" and "enjoy" the festivities when your heart is torn up.

My mommy and daddy are very grateful for the kind person that was so thoughtful.

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