Today is a GREAT day.
I am ALERT and AWAKE and CONTENT...all at the same time. (I have no food in my stomach as I am on IV fluids being fed to me through my PICC line.)
They want to start me on a SMALL amount of food today to see how I do.
They took off my nasal canula and I am doing great so far, unless that darned "reflux" comes up and then I have to swallow it back down so my oxygen saturation dips when that happens, but then it will come right back up.
They are talking about starting me back on Prevacid to help with this.
My airway sounds pretty striderous today, especially right after my "reflux" episodes.
My g-tube site is starting to look better....they are putting this special cream (Triamcinolone) that helps with "granulation tissue" - it's pretty powerful stuff.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen....
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen....
Thank you for a very informative articles.