I'm Three

I'm Three

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Friday, April 1, 2011


Today was kind of a hard day.

I was pretty squirmy and cried quite a bit.

My g-tube is pretty sore and I am growing some "granulation tissue" so my mommy is calling the doctor to get some "Triamcinolone" cream.   "Triamcinolone" is in a class of drugs called steroids. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation.  It works pretty good.

A representative came today from The Learning Center to "evaluate" me and determined that I would qualify for their program to help me get "on track" with development.  The lady was nice.

BUT...As she was "testing" my abilities, she tried to pick me up and "forgot" I had a g-tube and I screamed and screamed.  It hurt so bad and my mommy came out of her seat to rescue me.

The lady said that I should be having tummy time.  She is "right" - tummy time is super important, but my g-tube has been so sore that my mommy and daddy are scared to "move" me very much, not to mention that I am still refluxing (but keeping it down) and "movement" sometimes agitates me more.  My parents are going to have to figure out a way to give me "tummy time" without hurting me and making me reflux.

I'm pretty sensitive to most everything (noise, light, movement) and I just need to do things on my own time...AND I will. 

Right now, I am loving my "boppy" pillow.

My mommy knows exactly "why" I've been getting 24 hour "nurse" care....I require it.

I am getting way better rest that I was "in" the hospital, because I am not getting tests run on me all the time, so I am glad I am home and so is my family.

I don't sleep for long periods of time..I'm more of a "cat-napper.

Thank goodness that Nana is here because she is helping us out so much.

AND...my mommy's way awesome REALLY positive friend brought us dinner too.

We have so many things to be thankful for!!

Information Regarding G-Tubes & Granulation Tissue


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