I'm Three

I'm Three

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today is Sunday.

It was a hard day.  I had reflux all night & I didn't sleep at all.

My breathing is very labored.

I am working very hard at the base of my neck to get air "in" and it sounds "wet" and "croupy" (instead of dry & striderous, like it normally does)

My mommy called my pediatricians office & they thought I needed to be seen right away just to make sure the "wet" & "croupy" sound wasn't reflux "in" my lungs - like two times before when I aspirated & caught pneumonia.

So...I ended up going to the Emergency Room.

My mommy really didn't want to take me in because she knew that they may want to run more tests on me & she did not want that. 

Thank goodness Nana is still here to help us & offer moral support to my family.

My mommy knew that I needed to be suctioned out because my reflux was "stuck" at the base of my neck making it hard for me to breathe, but she also wanted to "see" an x-ray of my lungs just to make sure that there wasn't any fluid in them.  (SIDE NOTE:  My mommy doesn't like suctioning AT ALL, but there are times for it for sure..this was one of those times.  She just wished that she had the equipment at home so she could have done it for me.)

These were the only two procedures that she was "okay" happening to me.

Thankfully, I got a ER Doctor who is super smart.  He listened to me breathe & totally agreed with my mommy...yea, my mommy knows me pretty good.

During my ER visit, one of my favorite Neonatologist's drove over from the NICU just to see me.  He knew exactly what I needed.

I am super blessed to have such dedicated medical professionals in my life.  I am not even in the NICU anymore, but they haven't forgotten about me & care so much to come see when I'm not feeling well.

My life may not be "exactly" what my mommy & daddy had planned for me, but they are meeting the coolest people & wouldn't trade me for anything.

This is our "new" normal life - (BUT..who really decides what "normal" is anyway?)

We do, that's who.  :-)

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