Today is Tuesday and I cried a lot of the night.
My daddy awoke to find me super COLD and saw that my g-tube was leaking a lot of liquid out of it and I was soaked from the formula.
This meant the day started crazy because my daddy has a meeting and my brother and sister have to get ready for school and I had to be fixed so I would quit "leaking" and WE ARE SO THANKFUL THAT NANA IS STILL HERE..she is so helpful and saves our bacon every day..
My mommy fixed my tube but didn't fix it good enough because I ended up getting soaked 3 more times today. It's really important that they NOT leave this on my skin because it is "formula" but it has "stomach acid" in it too, so it can eat my skin if it's not cleaned off right away.
For some reason, she would pull the water OUT of the inner balloon and put more back IN, but it wasn't "holding" the tube in tight enough to stop the leaking.
So..she called her new best friends (my Doctor's office) and they suggested to do what she had already done and then bring me in tomorrow.
So, she tried it one more time tonight & prays that it works..I have to eat and if it's all leaking "out" then, I am hungry and she is constantly cleaning, taping, un-taping, re-taping..(well, you get the idea..)
She is very thankful for the g-tube class that the bigger hospital offered her while I was there..this was very helpful..
I am also still thankful for tylenol and ibuprofen..
These help me rest and get better..
My mommy had a crying melt-down tonight on my daddy because I keep her very busy..sometimes she feels a little overwhelmed and just needs to let it out..
Thank goodness that my daddy is a patient guy..he is a good daddy...
We are all keeping the faith for my total wellness..every single day...
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