Today was another restless, irritable day.
I am just not a comfortable baby. I will try and sleep for about 15-20 minutes and then I stir around and cry because I just don't feel very good. My cry is still really soft and my parents have decided that my cry probably won't get louder until my reflux lets up, and I am still refluxing. I am even on a full dose of Prevacid and Zantac too. (My parents probably should have invested in "stock" for these. Ha! Ha!)
I am a mystery.
The lady at the Insurance Company called my mommy today and even she "knows" how irritable I am (she read the notes IN the computer from my hospital stay - I guess word gets around when you are a cranky baby, huh?)
I am still eating on a "continuous" feed and my mommy and daddy are learning really fast why I had a Nurse 24/7..around the clock...I am a FULL TIME JOB. They are excited to condense my food down so that I can get "unhooked" from my tube for some of the day.
BUT...even with the amount of work that I am, they are very happy with their decision to push hard to get me out of the hospital..I may be cranky, but at least I am not cranky AND then getting poked AND prodded AND assessed on top of my crankiness.
My brother is still having a little bit of a hard adjustment with me being home, he misses what it was like BEFORE I came...he also thinks he broke his toe, so he's feeling pretty bummed about that and on crutches to boot.
my sister can't get enough of me. She just wishes I didn't have this darned g-tube in so she can give me a "real" hug and hold me in a "real" cuddle position (without me hurting) AND give me a real bath (not a sponge one.)
My g-tube is pretty sore and my parents have to keep cleaning and changing out my dressing on it.
My mommy is still not sleeping very well because of how "noisy" I am when I sleep. My breathing sounds like I am working really hard to get air in, so she has a hard time blocking this out and falling asleep because she is worried about me. Lack of sleep makes my mommy a "little" bit cranky (I think everyone recognizes this, even her.) Lack of sleep PLUS an EIGHT inch pile of hospital bills and mail from the past 1.5 months while she was away was a little overwhelming today....
My Nana is still here and she is a real life saver. Our house is still "running" smoothly because of her and my mommy and daddy are so grateful.
PLUS...My mommy's friend brought us dinner tonight too...
Talk about blessings..we sure have them!! is my Aunt's you tons Aunt Lisa!!
Keeping the faith...Keeping the faith...
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